Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Best. Registry Idea. Ever!

A gift is a gift is a gift is a gift .... and eventually all of the kitchen supplies and household appliances start to become redundant, especially if you already live together and have a bunch of this stuff ("Look hon, another coffee grinder .... woo?"). But how about a registry that lets guests give you a new kind of gift? An investment in your future! That is where weddingfutures steps in! Instead of giving you tangible gifts or cash (which some people feel uncomfortable with ... although not me! Bring on the cold hard cash people! More on this later when I explain that Russians only attend weddings with envelopes not boxes ... ok tangent over!). More on weddingfutures ....

See its easy! Ok get ta investin peoples.


little luxury list said...

Ooh so cool! My husband would have loved this.

Girl, cash was definitely appreciated at the wedding (and Asians mostly give cash). There are people who insist on giving home things or something, but it's still of course sweet. Then there are people that will just come and eat. Yep.

The Professional Bridesmaid said...

I love this idea! Especially for those couples who have been living together for awhile or for couples that already have all their home needs.

I'm with you and chicncheap...bring on the cash. I was bought up in a culture where cash is the gift of choice. Plus, it's way easier to transport!

Victoria Lynn said...

I seriously seriously love this idea!! Just posted about it too :)