The venue search is finally done and if I am honest I will tell you .... I knew would love
Tribeca Rooftop long before I even went to go see it because if I were to create wedding venue from scratch, well ... this would be it.

I was afraid to visit this venue because I know that it is a bit pricey but you know your girl stays on the hustle ... by that I mean that before I even started looking for venues I chose the cheapest month and the cheapest day in that month! The Big Guy and I wanted a winter wedding and we are totally fine with getting married on a Sunday so immediately the price is way lower for pretty much any place. Once I got there I realized that the Tribeca Rooftop package came with more food and extras than any other venue we had been too thus far. The price ended up being $165 per person but before you pass out just know that we won't need to add anything to the menu because of how much food they are including and they even threw an extra appetizer in for us after some negotiation. This is higher than we wanted to spend but the Big Guy and I debated and decided that we loved it and that it was perfect and that we will sacrifice other aspects to be able to have this venue .... so here we go with that hustle again ...

And finally the two big questions ....
Vodka on the tables??? Hell yeah! We will be partying it up Ruskie style all night long.
Extra hour??? Ummm ... also yeah. They do charge for extra time but if you let them know right off the bat that your going to want the extra they will give it to you for half price, that is the cheapest extra time quote I have gotten thus far so we are going with it. Since it will be a Sunday it won't go super late (gotta close up shop by 2AM right?? Ok ok earlier!) but now we will have enough time for all of the crazy toasts and still have time to dance.

Sooooo, what do you think of our spot???