Friday, July 31, 2009
Ding ding! We have a winner in the gown cleaning giveaway!

And here's where you'll find me ...
I am giving the Big Guy a surprise over the weekend ... I will fill you guys in on the deets as soon as we return!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Yummy DIY
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Gown cleaning giveaway!
Monday, July 27, 2009
What's cookin good lookin?
I love to cook .. well ok, let's be real. I love to eat. But cooking can be fun too ... especially when your making yummy stuff for yourself and your loved ones. But how do you learn the tricks of the trade without burning your whole house down? Well now there is some one who can teach you how to rock the socks off anyone who dares enter your home!
Gilda Mulero is a Personal Chef in NYC, who recently got in touch with me and asked me to let all of you know about one of her classes which is specifically designed to teach brides and grooms how to use all their new kitchen gadgets from their wedding registry. The class is known as "Cooking 101 for Newlyweds", and it has just earned a "three leaf" rating from the Green Bride Guide and has been featured in Manhattan Bride Magazine.
Check her out .. How effin fantastic would this be as a wedding or shower gift? I would dig it. Errr, dig in?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Freedom and Free Photography
But a raffle with a kick ass prize for an incredibly good cause ... I am not sure there is a word that encompasses the awesomeness of those. While I think of a fantastic enough word, you should go check out the raffle that Sam Stroud is holding.
The prize is a FREE photography package (including travel) and all proceeds go to Freedom 4/24, an organization which helps rescue women from sexual slavery.
Go on, go get yourself a raffle ticket and be sure to let Sam know how amazing his giveaway. I think he pretty much rocks. Hard.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
That white thing I am gonna wear ...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Geek Who Loved Me
Under Annoying Habits of a Geek Spouse:
1. Punning - OMG! The Big Guy is a notorious punner! In fact, we have started using the term "punny" instead of "funny" ... oh crap we have out-punned ourselves.
5. Wearing obscurely geeky T-shirts to "normal" places -

8. Looking up information while a discussion/argument is still in progress - Who gave that man a blackberry!?!?!?
Under Endearing Habits of a Geeky Spouse:
9. Being romantic in unusual ways - See this post. Sigh.
4. Owning lots of really good, though not mainstream, books - Definitely true. The biggest, most difficult part of our move to our new place was trying to figure out where to put all of our books.
3. Being really good at finding things that go missing - I had no clue this was a geek thing! I though the Big Guy had some sort of weird super power! Hmmm, it all makes sense now!
And these deserve an honorable mention for being very cute and true about my man too: 8. Finding the best deals in grocery stores, 7. Watching, quoting and generally loving the Muppets, and 1. Cooking.
These articles are very cute .. the only thing is .. I kind of find the annoying stuff endearing too! I guess, I am just really frakkin in love with my geeky Guy. What do you guys find endearing/annoying about nerdy loved ones?
Monday, July 20, 2009
Too cool for school ...
I am a Featured Blogger on the Weddzilla Blog! I couldn't be more grateful, excited, flattered, and generally ecstatic.
PS: Check it out .. and you can also find out my first name ... hint: its not actually Bridechka. Shocking, I know! But .... ah .. we've gotten close and its time for you to know the truth ....
Friday, July 17, 2009
You're pretty. Can I take you home?
So I know we are done with the whole B-maid dress search and that I should stop perusing dresses on the interwebs .. but ahhhh just cause my homegirls have dresses doesn't mean I can't fall in lust with a few every now and then ... right??
And now! Watch how I will make this seemingly rambling and irrelvant post somehow relate to weddings! Presto-Chango! ..... Ughh.. hmmmm ....
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A tree ... instead?

That's where A Tree Instead comes in! Not only are they conveniently named for the purposes of my blog post but they are also effing awesome. The have an entire Green Weddings section. And for $3.50 each, you can get a tree planted on behalf of each of your guests and A Tree Instead will provide a certificate so that you have something tangible to share with your guests.
Clearly, I am smitten with this idea, helping the environment, incorporating trees, and for under $5 bucks a pop! ... yeh you had me at "A Tree" ...
PS: I found this fabulous idea on A Hot Pink Petticoat, which is one hot blog.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
F*ing gorgeous
... oh and just to warn you, this only my second favorite of his poems ... the link to my favorite one of his is below .. its so lovely it makes my chest ache .. you know, in that really really good way.

We live in a modern society. Husbands and wives don't
grow on trees, like in the old days. So where
does one find love? When you're sixteen it's easy,
like being unleashed with a credit card
in a department store of kisses. There's the first kiss.
The sloppy kiss. The peck.
The sympathy kiss. The backseat smooch. The we
shouldn't be doing this kiss. The but your lips
taste so good kiss. The bury me in an avalanche of tingles kiss.
The I wish you'd quit smoking kiss.
The I accept your apology, but you make me really mad
sometimes kiss. The I know
your tongue like the back of my hand kiss. As you get
older, kisses become scarce. You'll be driving
home and see a damaged kiss on the side of the road,
with its purple thumb out. If you
were younger, you'd pull over, slide open the mouth's
red door just to see how it fits. Oh where
does one find love? If you rub two glances, you get a smile.
Rub two smiles, you get a warm feeling.
Rub two warm feelings and presto-you have a kiss.
Now what? Don't invite the kiss over
and answer the door in your underwear. It'll get suspicious
and stare at your toes. Don't water the kiss with whiskey.
It'll turn bright pink and explode into a thousand luscious splinters,
but in the morning it'll be ashamed and sneak out of
your body without saying good-bye,
and you'll remember that kiss forever by all the little cuts it left
on the inside of your mouth. You must
nurture the kiss. Turn out the lights. Notice how it
illuminates the room. Hold it to your chest
and wonder if the sand inside hourglasses comes from a
special beach. Place it on the tongue's pillow,
then look up the first recorded kiss in an encyclopedia: beneath
a Babylonian olive tree in 1200 B.C.
But one kiss levitates above all the others. The
intersection of function and desire. The I do kiss.
The I'll love you through a brick wall kiss.
Even when I'm dead, I'll swim through the Earth,
like a mermaid of the soil, just to be next to your bones.
-- Jeffrey McDaniel
... and if you liked that one, this one is even better. No seriously, it gets better. Don't believe me? Check it and enjoy.
ummmmm ... speaking of cupcakes

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Captured and tagged!
My six things ....
3) Huge dogs. Ok fine any dogs ... ok fine any fuzzy animal at all. But when you grow up with a face like this one below ... its really hard not to have an affinity for the large variety of pups.

5) Sports - playing or watching ... there is nothing to get the adrenaline pumping quite like a competitive sport. I prefer team sports ... hockey, football, basketball, rugby, etc... but I will occasionally indulge in some solo sports watching as well .. mostly when forced into it by my tennis loving sibling and friends. But I am at my sport-related happiest when I am screaming my head off and watching my teams kick ass. Oh yeh, I am a fan.
{Image Source}
Now its my turn! Everyone should consider themselves tagged and participate! But just to follow the rules here are 6 peeps I am tagging ...
Enjoy ...
Monday, July 13, 2009
No color scheme? No problem!
As most of you know, lately, we have been loving greens. There is nothing that makes me smile more than a huge evergreen with thick green needles dusted in white snow ... the green, the white, the black, all work so beautifully together and they just scream, WINTER is here! It makes me feel like a little kid again waiting for Ded Moroz to bring me presents for New Year (yep in Soviet Russia even Jewish kids got a sort of Santa, he was like a fake government sanctioned Santa for all Russian kids, we can call him Fanta .... I can explain but it takes a while ...).
Wow ... my digressions are really getting the best of me today! Anyways ...
This weekend we got bridesmaids dresses! Yep, they are selected and ordered and done with. But the interesting part is that they are not green, which had been the plan originally. On Saturday, we had picked out a dress and were debating colors in the store and my beautiful ladies decided the dress we had picked would look better in a different color. They are far wiser and more stylish then I; besides which they actually have to wear the damn thing, so I totally deferred to them. Plus I couldn't agree more that the color they picked will be a stunner on everyone.
... and now a color scheme is starting to develop:
Green - trees which are very symbolic to the two of us
White - for winter and my super fabulous hypothetical cotton ball bouquet

Friday, July 10, 2009
Take a Penny, Eat a Penny
Where was I? Oh yes .... and then I saw this ...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
More 'links or How PBM Is Awesome

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I have fallen madly in love ...
Ok enough of my clumsy gestures of adoration, go right now and check out the object of my affection on Little White Book. And for a sneak peak, here are some of my favorite elements ...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Stories about yours truly ... i.e. long-*ss post
* leave me a comment with your email address saying: “interview me”
* I will e-mail you five questions of my choice
* you can then answer the questions on your blog {with a link back to my blog}* you should also post these rules, along with an offer to interview anyone else who emails you, wanting to be interviewed
* anyone who asks to be interviewed will be sent 5 questions to answer on their blog
* the questions will be individualized for each blogger
So here are my answers to my very own interview questions ...

In terms, of my marriage, my relationship with Judaism is very different from my family. The Big Guy was way into the Judaism when I met him, he was still searching for his own practice-comfort-level but he is very well educated on Jewish traditions and culture, he knows how to practice in the traditional sense, he reads Hebrew and most of all he loves being Jewish, it is a huge part of who he is. When I met him, I was very distant from the religion. I was like my family - proud to represent who I was for all those who suffered for it but lost when it came to defining what "Jewish" really meant. So I started going to classes, then I went to lectures, then I did some workshops .. I still do all of that to this day and the Big Guy is an amazing resource when I have questions or want to debate about one thing or another. I am still learning and he is still exploring but we are trying to find that place in the middle where we can meet and sit comfortably together.
4) What is the one thing that you think people misunderstand about you the most?
I get a lot of questions about why I want to have a wedding at all ... and I gotta tell ya, it grates on my nerves. I want to marry the person I love and share that joy with my family friends ... um what is there not to understand?
But, I do think that most of the questioning comes from the fact that I am kind of a tomboy .. and by that I mean, I am a no-make-up wearing, sports watching, hiking, fighting with the guys, aggressively asserting my independence kinda gal ... who never really thought that she would get married. So I get, people are confused why I want the stuff that is normally associate with "weddings" but just because I am those things, doesn't mean I am not also a party animal who wants to wear a beautiful dress and honor the traditions of her ancestors by binding together her life with the life of her partner. I think frequently, we want to categorize people .. tomboy, feminist, girly girl, diva, etc ...but most of the time, just one label doesn't apply .. even I like to slap on some lipgloss, some mascara, and pair of high-heeled beauties every now then .. granted that 'every now and then' is rare, but it happens! It happens! Bottom line, just cause I hate romantic comedies and I like sports, don't mean I can't like weddings ... especially my own!
5) How did you know that you and your man were ready to get married?
I am not entirely sure. I was kind of anti-marriage when we met so we never really talked about it all that much. But then we started seeing examples of really fantastic couples, who got married and stayed fantastic! OR got even more fantastic (shocking! I know.) And it got me thinking, maybe marriage doesn't signify the end of your fun and sexy and happy relationship, maybe there is more. So, we started talking and I started exploring the world of marriage. Slowly, we both came around to the idea of committing to one another in front of our loved ones and we realized it was also a really great way to honor the traditions of our religion/culture. We couldn't be more excited about it now.
But the best is how I knew the Big Guy was thinking of proposing! We were listening to a song we both really liked at the time and I asked him what he thought the song was about. He immediately blurted out, "he is thinking about proposing to his girlfriend and he is scared." Then my Big Guy proceeded to turn bright red. It was sooo cute, I have clearly teased him about it mercilessly ever since.
Hope you liked my stories!!! And if you read all the way through .. wow! you are a trooper! Ok, now who wants to play???
Monday, July 6, 2009
Man gift
Cause even though I love my girls in a big, BIG way ... all I keep finding in my inspiration hunts are gifts for my guys ... but they are such great finds! Like these that I saw on Something Old, Something New the other day...

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Da plane! Da plane boss!

BUT, I could not be happier with the envelopes!!! They were a total afterthought but I figured we need to send the magnets in something so why not get envelopes with our address on them ... one less set of labels for us to print. Check the results folks ...

PPS: Total cost for 100 magnets + 100 envelopes + shipping + tax = just under 100 bucks ... not bad I think, not bad at all.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Orange you pretty?