Friday, October 30, 2009
Have a great weekend!

Happy Halloween! Be safe party people! I will be back on Monday with a big big update .... curious? Good. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Complimentary Wedding Salon Tickets
I'll be there! And now you can too ... and for FREE!
| |||
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Vistaprint Savings!
Sad you didn't win the Vistaprint giveaway?? Well cheer up! Click here for major savings on all things wedding from the fabulous folks over at Vistaprint. The link will be up in my sidebar too.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What's with the hat-echki? (Celebrity Guest post)
Big Guy here - hacking into Bridechka's computer to take over the blogging duties for the moment . . . Please to enjoy:
On Yarmulkes ...
Whether it be for social protest or simple divine reverence, Jews the world over wear skullcaps as part of their religious practice and/or everyday life. Now, I know what you're thinking . . . "Self," you think, "Skullcap! That sounds bad ass! How cool must they be?"
Well . . . perhaps only the Britons thought that way, since in most other languages, the name for the head covering is derived from its dome like appearance. In Hebrew, it is called a kippah (plural: kippot) which means "dome." In French they are referred to as calotte (meaning "dome"), in Italian, calotta (meaning "dome", sense a theme, yet?), and in Arabic, they are not referred to at all . . . no I keed! ... the kippah is similar to the Muslim kufi or taqiyah.
However, it's the Yiddish term for skullcaps that gives insight into what they are and why Jews wear them. In Yiddish, a kippah is referred to as yarmulke, pronounced as if it were something completely different: ya-mick-ah . . . 'cause you know, we're a difficult and obstinate people. Though I don't know if its completely true, the peeps over at wikipedia claim that, perhaps, yarmulke is derived from the Aramaic term yarei malka, meaning "fear of the King," in reference of course, to the Bigger Guy (Biggest Guy, perhaps?).
In general, religious Jewish men (and women, in some modern Jewish communities) wear a yarmulke (or a "yam" as the cool kids call it) at all times as recognition of G-D's presence everywhere even in the blogosphere; however, the only time that a yam is mandated by Jewish law, is during prayer.
So you're now thinking, "I want Bridechka back . . . she talks about weddings and cool stuff. This Big Guy character, while very funny and very handsome, is too self indulgent and I don't know why he's talking about little hats?" Well, here's were it all comes together - it is a tradition at big Jewish life cycle events, from circumcision to bar or bat mitzvah to weddings, to order personalized yarmulkes to commemorate the event. Typically the kippot are inscribed with the names of the bride and groom, the date, and either a message or a Scriptural quote.
While it may not be your custom or even your religion, it is a sign of respect for bride and groom and their family to wear a kippah during the religious ceremony part of the Jewish wedding . . . luckily, this usually doesn't last long, as Jewish wedding ceremonies are pretty short (everyone breathe a sigh of relief!). Tomorrow, Bridechka will be back (I promise!) and will give you guys the details on our yams, what they look, like, where they are coming from, and what they are going to say ... I am here in purely academic position.
Well I think I've taught everyone a valuable lesson here . . . never let Bridechka pass the blogging duty off to anyone . . . ever again!
On Yarmulkes ...
Whether it be for social protest or simple divine reverence, Jews the world over wear skullcaps as part of their religious practice and/or everyday life. Now, I know what you're thinking . . . "Self," you think, "Skullcap! That sounds bad ass! How cool must they be?"
Well . . . perhaps only the Britons thought that way, since in most other languages, the name for the head covering is derived from its dome like appearance. In Hebrew, it is called a kippah (plural: kippot) which means "dome." In French they are referred to as calotte (meaning "dome"), in Italian, calotta (meaning "dome", sense a theme, yet?), and in Arabic, they are not referred to at all . . . no I keed! ... the kippah is similar to the Muslim kufi or taqiyah.
However, it's the Yiddish term for skullcaps that gives insight into what they are and why Jews wear them. In Yiddish, a kippah is referred to as yarmulke, pronounced as if it were something completely different: ya-mick-ah . . . 'cause you know, we're a difficult and obstinate people. Though I don't know if its completely true, the peeps over at wikipedia claim that, perhaps, yarmulke is derived from the Aramaic term yarei malka, meaning "fear of the King," in reference of course, to the Bigger Guy (Biggest Guy, perhaps?).
In general, religious Jewish men (and women, in some modern Jewish communities) wear a yarmulke (or a "yam" as the cool kids call it) at all times as recognition of G-D's presence everywhere even in the blogosphere; however, the only time that a yam is mandated by Jewish law, is during prayer.
So you're now thinking, "I want Bridechka back . . . she talks about weddings and cool stuff. This Big Guy character, while very funny and very handsome, is too self indulgent and I don't know why he's talking about little hats?" Well, here's were it all comes together - it is a tradition at big Jewish life cycle events, from circumcision to bar or bat mitzvah to weddings, to order personalized yarmulkes to commemorate the event. Typically the kippot are inscribed with the names of the bride and groom, the date, and either a message or a Scriptural quote.
While it may not be your custom or even your religion, it is a sign of respect for bride and groom and their family to wear a kippah during the religious ceremony part of the Jewish wedding . . . luckily, this usually doesn't last long, as Jewish wedding ceremonies are pretty short (everyone breathe a sigh of relief!). Tomorrow, Bridechka will be back (I promise!) and will give you guys the details on our yams, what they look, like, where they are coming from, and what they are going to say ... I am here in purely academic position.
Well I think I've taught everyone a valuable lesson here . . . never let Bridechka pass the blogging duty off to anyone . . . ever again!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
White Knot
And now we take a brief wedding planning breather to talk about the White Knot.
I spotted this on Savoir and knew that I had to have it .. and share with you of course!
The White Knot is the symbol for marriage equality. Wear it (on your person or on your blog!) to show your support and to create conversation. Use it to tell someone today that equal rights are important to everyone. Share the White Knot and spread the word that all loving couples deserve the same legal rights, benefits, and respect that civil marriage bestows.
Tomorrow back with our regular programming ... including explaining the yarmulke, narrowing down a florist, picking tie colors, our tasting, and all the other wedding minutiae that happened in the past week. I am gonna tackle this to do list yet!
Friday, October 23, 2009
We have a WINNER!
A big thank you to Vistaprint for this fabulous giveaway!And the winner is ...
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-10-23 23:23:42 UTC
Congrats Julie! Email me to find out how to claim your prize!!
And to everyone who entered ... I promise to give you ALL a consolation prize very soon!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Bad blogger! Whatchya gonna do?
I've been a baddy! Not posting for two straight days! This whole being a lawyer thing is harder than I thought! But in the meantime, the wedding planning has been progressing along....
Things we have gotten done:
We met with two florists this weekend (who I LOVED! Never thought I would say that! No really, both were awesome) and we're going to see another two next weekend.
We picked yarmulke colors for the wedding! A yarmulke or kippah is a traditional head-cover that is usually worn by Jewish men .. although sometimes women too depending on their traditions, beliefs, personal feelings, etc... I will tell you more about this later this week.
We received our invites! They are AWESOME (thanks Leslie!)
And we set up appointments to talk to some photogs next week.
Phew ... yep, this whole wedding thing is gonna happen! One way or another ...
And to make up for being a baddy this week I leave you with a deal from Wedding Channel
Things we have gotten done:
We met with two florists this weekend (who I LOVED! Never thought I would say that! No really, both were awesome) and we're going to see another two next weekend.
We picked yarmulke colors for the wedding! A yarmulke or kippah is a traditional head-cover that is usually worn by Jewish men .. although sometimes women too depending on their traditions, beliefs, personal feelings, etc... I will tell you more about this later this week.
We received our invites! They are AWESOME (thanks Leslie!)
And we set up appointments to talk to some photogs next week.
Phew ... yep, this whole wedding thing is gonna happen! One way or another ...
And to make up for being a baddy this week I leave you with a deal from Wedding Channel
Enter code & receive 10% off your online order of $85 or more @ wedding channel
Coupon code: COUPONCABIN10 .... Expires Dec 21st
Friday, October 16, 2009
Vistaprint Giveaway
Have I mentioned that I heart Vistaprint? I do!
Remember the save the dates I had made on Vista? Check em here.
They are the awesome printing company where you can get almost anything made ... custom invites, save the dates, magnets, programs, thank you cards, envelopes, return addresses stickers, and a bunch of other stuff .... Oh and if your a in a rush ... no worries! Cause Vistaprint can ship orders for delivery in 3 business days.
Now they just became exponentially cooler .. because they are offering for FREE ...
100 Save the Dates OR Invitations OR Thank You Cards OR some combination
(e.g. 50 of one and 50 of another ... or 25, 25, and 50 ... or 30, 60, and 10!)
Just leave a comment here telling me which prize you would pick and how you would use it! I will pick a winner at random next Friday.
Get to it people!
(e.g. 50 of one and 50 of another ... or 25, 25, and 50 ... or 30, 60, and 10!)
Just leave a comment here telling me which prize you would pick and how you would use it! I will pick a winner at random next Friday.
Get to it people!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Dear Wedding-To-Do List,
Get smaller!
PS: While your at it, could you have a talk with Work-To-Do-List? He is really getting out of hand lately! Thanks! Xoxo!
Get smaller!
PS: While your at it, could you have a talk with Work-To-Do-List? He is really getting out of hand lately! Thanks! Xoxo!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
When it rains ...
it pours! Pours gorgeous flowers that is. One day I am babbling on and on about "who cares about flowers, who needs em?" and then I saw those awesome arrangements I posted about on Weddzilla and today these centerpieces are just calling out to be posted about and loved ...

{Source for these beauties}

Gorgeous right! I might be reconsidering this whole flowers biz ... my indecisiveness is really getting the best of me I think .. or maybe not.
{Source for these beauties}
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Yep, its about that time ... we are going to be sending out invitations super soon! And I wanted to give you guys a super secret sneak peak before our guests get 'em!
But before I show you the goods let me introduce their creator ... the super talented Leslie Chen of Slieberry Designs.
Check the handiwork people ...
... the front of the rsvp ...
... and the back ...
The invited will be packaged in an awesome charcoal pocketfold ... and I got tell you .. I never thought I could have such warm fuzzy affectionate feelings for stationary ... but Leslie has made it happen! I will take some pics when they arrive and show you all the end result. In the meantime, let me know what you think of the design and the wording and then go check out some of Leslie's other work over at her fabulous blog.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
We have a winner in the My Wedding Favors Giveaway

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-10-10 15:15:23 UTC
Congrats to MEREDITH!
Just e-mail at bridechka@gmail.com to claim your fabulous prize!
And thanks to everyone who entered!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Last Day to Enter

Don't forget to enter the favor giveaway by leaving a comment on the giveaway post! The winner will be randomly selected tonight.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Holy Molla
Look, I know I am supposed to be talking about the wedds but sometimes I just see stuff I need to tell you about ... how great is this?
And I won't have to scream in frustration every morning I can't find my keys! Win, win, ... win!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I want you!
So I know I am all anti-registry cause I am Russian and we only accept gifts that are flat and capable of being deposited into a bank account (no really! I am not just being a brat! Russians only give money at weddings, they think its rude to bring anything else! Back me up here Ruskies!). But sometimes I run into something and it makes me long to tell others to buy it for me (ok I think I might be coming across all wrong here .. but I am gonna roll with it.)
Anywhooooo ... I want this ....
Anywhooooo ... I want this ....
I want it bad.
Its from here, and its making me reconsider that whole registry thing .. is it weird to only register for two things? This and cash! ... I think I can make it work ;)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Favor Giveaway!
I know I was MIA today folks but I am back and I am ready to make it up to you!
With a fantastic giveaway from the lovely people over at ....
My Wedding Favors offers all types of favors and now they are offering one of you a $25 discount! Their selection is extensive ... check out some of my personal faves ...
.... like these Eat, Drink, Be Married shot glasses
or these Bamboo Escort card holders ....
.... there's these Topiary Escort card holders too!
Or this super cute We Clicked Mousepad ....
They are even offering favors that support the fight against Breast Cancer in their Pink Ribbon Collection, like these plantable favors ...
Ok, so for the GIVEAWAY .... Just leave a comment on this post about which product from the My Wedding Favors site is your favorite and I will pick a winner to receive $25.00 off anything on their site! The winner will be selected randomly this Friday, Oct. 9.
See! I told ya I'd make it up to you!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Milk Bar Wedding Cakes

Check out my post on the Weddzilla blog about an awesome new Momofuku venture! Yep, you guessed it, it involves being delicious!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Willow pretty willow
PS: Also, in Russian, they are called "cotiki" which means "little cats". I think that might add to my love for them ... just a little .... ok fine a lot! What can I say? Your girl's a total softy!
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