Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Manly gift ... space age style

Got a man in your life who needs some lovin, in the form of techy goodness .. then have I got the gift idea for you. Check out the iWallet. Its a fancy pantsy wallet that only opens if it recognizes your fingerprint. How bad ass is that?

Its pricey but so damn cool. Found on Thrillist and coveted by me!
PS: this could total be a gift for a chic too! I just find that most of the women I kow prefer large wallets and are also not as easily amused by the wonders of technology .. at least not as easily amused by them as me.

1 comment:

alishaneva said...

that is pretty darn cool. Man, if you got robbed ... it'd be like "take that low-life robber!"